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Financial Protection Certificate

no. M209117.

Received by "WAGABUNDO TRAVEL Pawel Wojtyszyn" company a written commitment of "Signal Iduna" company to pay to the beneficiary of the guarantee (Marshal of the Lower Silesia Voivodeship) a certain amount of money (up to EUR 75.000) in case specified in the guarantee contract occurrence.

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Entry in the Central Register of Tour Operators and Tourist Agents

evidence no. 8385, registration no. 10101-02.

Certificate confirming the entry of the company "WAGABUNDO TRAVEL Pawel Wojtyszyn", to the Tour Operators and Tourist Agents Central Register run by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Poland.

Every entrepreneur conducting business activity in the field of organizing tourist events and mediating in concluding contracts on behalf of the clients for the provision of tourist services is subjected to entry.

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Entry in the Regional Register of Tour Operators and Tourist Agents

registration no. 546.

Certificate confirming the entry of the company "WAGABUNDO TRAVEL Pawel Wojtyszyn" to the Tour Operators and Tourist Agents Regional Register run by the by the Marshal of the Lower Silesia Voivodeship.

Legal Act: Article no. 4 of Tourist Services Act published 29th August 1997.

"Economic activity in the field of organizing tourist events and mediating on behalf of clients in concluding contracts for the provision of tourist services is regulated activity within the meaning of the Freedom of Economic Activity Act (published: 2nd July 2004) and requires an entry in the Register of Tour Operators and Travel Agents."

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Entry in the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity - CEIDG

Certificate confirming the entry of the company "WAGABUNDO TRAVEL Pawel Wojtyszyn", into the system of Central Register and Information on Economic Activity, run by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Poland.

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Entry in the National Official Business Register - REGON

registration no. 021436793.

Certificate confirming granting a REGON number for the "WAGABUNDO TRAVEL Pawel Wojtyszyn" company, in the National Official Business Register, run by the Statistics Poland.

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registration no. PL8992227980 and registration no. 8992227980.

Confirmation of the EU VAT and VAT number granted by "WAGABUNDO TRAVEL Pawel Wojtyszyn" company.

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General Terms and Conditions of Safe Travels Insurance

General Terms and Conditions of Insurance Safe Travels - Signal Iduna Poland

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Privacy Policy

The rules regarding personal data and cookies processing on our websites have been determined in our Privacy Policy presented below.

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