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Who we are?

Wagabundo Travel is an adventure & incentive agency.

Adventure and motivation are our mission.

Together with you, we implement pioneer projects, test new ideas, discover the world of values and the depth of personal potentials.

We have the ambition and determination needed to achieve the desired goals.

Not only the task we deal with but also the fact that adventure is our everyday life made us one of the fastest developing agencies in our industry.

What makes us so good?

  • 4 years on the market under our own brand.
  • a team of passionate individuals with over 15 years of experience in the industry, meet the teem
  • over a dozen unique long-term projects, educational projects such as: „We differ only in colours™”, „Personality bigger than Ego™”, our Portfolio
  • „Incentive Heroes™” - motivation, engagement and activation in B2B business model, Incentive Heroes
  • training center, Incentive Academy

Our awards

As we achieve our maximum potential, being around people that complement us, and whom we complement equally well!

Golden Arrow

Golden Arrow Awards Competition Winner for the best Inventive Travel Project of the Year 2016

MP Power Awards

MP Power Awards Competition Winner for the best Inventive Travel B2B Project of the Year 2016

Our Values

We create personalities through adventure as we believe that thanks to adventure in the times of misinterpreted individualism, we are able to act and think as a part of a community. We believe that everyone's personality is bigger than his/her ego.

We inspire your imagination. We open you into new challenges and carefully choose the space.

We awaken ambitions and are not afraid to go against the tide. In times when form is more important than content, we focus on the second one. Therefore we implement projects that are interesting and worth our effort, on the contrary to those that are only good for money.

We release energy and courage as only the brave man is responsible. Therefore why we live a real adventure.

We support you. Together, we set and overcome boundaries. Real and personal.

We test new ideas, implementing projects according to new concepts: „We differ only in colors™", „Personality bigger than Ego™", „Incentive Heroes™", thanks to which we build long-term and satisfying relationships.

We are real. We do not embellish the reality, we are honest during adventures as well as in business contacts.

We learn: from our Guests, from our hosts, from the world. Every day we become better, every day we make new friendships.

We take care of transparency. We act legal. Reliable Company

We work in the „human 2 human" model. We go beyond the tourist narration delineated by guidebooks and mass media. We put a human being, his visions and needs in the first place. Responsible Tourism

Reliable company

We operate legally!

We have certificates that guarantee high-quality services and constitute financial security for the performance of any contractual obligations by us.

  • Financial Protection Certificate no. M209117
  • Entry in the Central Register of Tour Operators and Tourist Agents evidence no. 8385, registration no. 10101-02
  • Entry in the Regional Register of Tour Operators and Tourist Agents registration no. 546
  • Entry in the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity - CEIDG
  • Entry in the National Official Business Register - REGON - registration no. 021436793
  • EU VAT ID (VIES) registration no. PL8992227980
  • VAT ID registration no. 8992227980
Please check it out in section Documents

Responsible tourism

Meet the team

Paweł Wojtyszyn
Managing Director & Founder

I am a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at University of Wrocław (2007) and Wrocław University of Economics (2012). From 4 years I have been managing the Wagabundo Travel project portfolio, that I am the founder. Together with team consisting of the best selected specialists, I implement unique travel concepts and develop innovative IT tools that support motivation processes. My biography can be found at: www.wojtyszyn.pl

In 2016, Wagabundo Travel was the winner of both MP Power Awards and Golden Arrow Competition Awards and thus became the youngest double laureate in the history of these awards.

I have:

  • 15 years of experience in motivational and travel projects implementation (among other 2008 Colossus Award)
  • 10 years of experience in the field of professional legal services for corporate transactions
  • 10+ years of experience in the field of IT systems security (ex. IT folk)
  • over 50 professional recommendations LinkedIn
Marek Stolarski
IT System Architect/Project Manager

Zarządzam procesami, projektami oraz architekturą IT. Jestem ekspertem z zakresu bezpieczeństwa systemów informatycznych oraz praktykiem, znawcą i promotorem podejścia Agile - metodyki wytwarzania oprogramowania opartej na realizowaniu iteracyjnym, polegającej na krótkich, przyrostowych sprintach programistycznych. Posiadam ponad 20 letnie doświadczenie jako project manager, architekt systemów IT i niezależny konsultant ds bezpieczeństwa (Techland, Netia, BZ WBK, EDF Energy, Cisco, ITBCE, Datastorm, LogicalTrust). LinkedIn

Dariusz Juszczuk
Art Director

Na stanowisku art directora kieruje pionem wielokanałowej komunikacji i kreacji projektów. Tworzę skuteczne koncepcje kreatywne i graficzne, zachowując jednocześnie równowagę między estetyką, a trafnością przekazu. Z każdym nowym projektem staram się poznać dokładnie specyfikę działania i oczekiwań Partnera, bazując na zdobytym doświadczeniu, ale jednocześnie odrzucając wytarte schematy. Posiadam umiejętności stawiania czoła dedlajnom, asapom, fakapom. LinkedIn

Kamil Kamiński
Chief Technology Officer

W Wagabundo Travel, jestem głównym programistą nadzorującym budowę, wdrożenie i utrzymanie architektury rozwiązań mobilnych PRM w modelu SaaS, która wspomaga naszych Partnerów w zarządzaniu ich komunikacją wewnętrzną (pracownicy Partnera) oraz komunikacją zewnętrzną (kontrahenci Partnera). Odpowiadam za elastyczność funkcjonalną i strukturalną naszych usług w relacji do danych z zewnętrznych systemów informatycznych (ERP). LinkedIn


Epson Europe B.V. Organika Sarzyna S.A. CIECH Group Geotrade Inbornmedia
Techland TTV TV

Incentive Academy


  • you want to become one of the Wagabundo Travel project Leaders,
  • you have realised an interesting travel scenario,
  • you have more than average knowledge and experience that concerns a specific region of the world,
  • you think that the concept of your „adventure" may drug into a completely new and unknown experiences, although by no means cannot have a chance to exist on the free market,
  • you have permanent, stable job, but you also would like to continue your development that concerns „adventures", for example during holidays,

  • ..join to our Incentive Academy!